

Men’s Book Study

Grace Cafe

Friday mornings are an opportunity for men to gather together for fellowship and spiritual discussion over a book.


Worship Service & Livestream

Join us to engage in biblical teaching and worship during one of our Sunday morning services. Our morning worship services are identical. Join our livestream at 11 a.m.  

Three-fold Communion

Reflect on Christ's sacrifice for our sin during Three-fold Communion. We will observe foot-washing, a fellowship meal, and the bread and cup. We will also have a time of reflection. If this is new to you, feel free to attend and observe. Please bring a finger-food to share. There will be an opportunity for you to share words of praise or testimony which the Lord has placed on your heart.


Men’s Book Study

Grace Cafe

Friday mornings are an opportunity for men to gather together for fellowship and spiritual discussion over a book.


Worship Service & Livestream

Join us to engage in biblical teaching and worship during one of our Sunday morning services. Our morning worship services are identical. Join our livestream at 11 a.m.