For Women

Mingle and Chat: Ice Cream Social

Grace Cafe

Teen and adult ladies are invited to an ice cream social! Connect with other women while enjoying a soft-soft serve ice cream bar! Come for the whole time or drop in when you can. We will have both outdoor and indoor seating available (weather permitting). During the event, we will also be collecting money to provide fresh whole milk from Pine View Dairy for Water Street Mission!


Mom Time

Grace Cafe

Mom's, bring your children (birth-5th grade) for a morning of fellowship and fun! Enjoy snacks and chatting with other moms in Grace Cafe while your kids play together under supervision on the playground and in the Family Life Center. Invite a friend! For planning purposes please sign up here!  

Pinewood and Posies

Pinewood and Posies 4547 White Oak Road, Paradise, PA, United States

Women and young ladies, come enjoy a morning of creativity as we explore the Pinewood and Posies garden and pick our own flowers! The cost will be around $15 for adults (up to 20 stems) and $6 for children (up to 15 stems). Please sign up by July 25. If you have questions or are in need of transportation for the event, please contact Patty Feaster (717-945-4649). SIGN UP