For Children


Boys Brigade

Room 107

Boys Brigade is a program with the purpose of pointing boys and young men to Jesus and helping them grow into the kind of man that He wants them to be. We focus on helping boys grow mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially. Boys Brigade meets each week and includes time for one-on-one, small group, and large group discipleship.


Prayer Pals

Sanctuary PA, United States

Prayer Pals is for 1st-5th graders and will be a time focused on prayer and encouragement. We will learn different kinds of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication), learn through prayer "activities", and spend time encouraging others by making cards and phone calls. We will also play fun games together! For more information and to register your child, contact Bethany Hirschy.


Mom Time

Grace Cafe

Mom's, bring your children (birth-5th grade) for a morning of fellowship and fun! Enjoy snacks and chatting with other moms in Grace Cafe while your kids play together under supervision on the playground and in the Family Life Center. Invite a friend! For planning purposes please sign up here!  

Drive-Thru Vacation Bible School

Grace Church at Willow Valley 300 Willow Valley Square, Lancaster, PA, United States

At Mystery Island, we'll uncover the truth about our Creator God! There's a sea of confusion about who God is and what He's like, so we'll track down the one true God and learn how amazing He is through the pages of Scripture! Register for our FREE Drive-Thru VBS! You will receive a kit with everything you need for a week of adventure! (Activity pages, snacks, craft kits, a link to our virtual library of music and skits, and lots […]



Vacation Bible School: ZOOMERANG

Grace Church at Willow Valley 300 Willow Valley Square, Lancaster, PA, United States

G’DAY, MATE! Get ready for the Trip of a Lifetime as we ZOOM OFF to the Land Down Under! JUNE 27–JULY 1, 2022  |  8:45am-12:00pm Like a boomerang, we are returning kids to what the Bible says about the value of life. We will discover how precious each and every one of us is to God. From the tiniest to the oldest, each person is made in the image of God, wonderfully designed to know him and to live for […]


Vacation Bible School: ZOOMERANG

Grace Church at Willow Valley 300 Willow Valley Square, Lancaster, PA, United States

G’DAY, MATE! Get ready for the Trip of a Lifetime as we ZOOM OFF to the Land Down Under! JUNE 27–JULY 1, 2022  |  8:45am-12:00pm Like a boomerang, we are returning kids to what the Bible says about the value of life. We will discover how precious each and every one of us is to God. From the tiniest to the oldest, each person is made in the image of God, wonderfully designed to know him and to live for […]


Vacation Bible School: ZOOMERANG

Grace Church at Willow Valley 300 Willow Valley Square, Lancaster, PA, United States

G’DAY, MATE! Get ready for the Trip of a Lifetime as we ZOOM OFF to the Land Down Under! JUNE 27–JULY 1, 2022  |  8:45am-12:00pm Like a boomerang, we are returning kids to what the Bible says about the value of life. We will discover how precious each and every one of us is to God. From the tiniest to the oldest, each person is made in the image of God, wonderfully designed to know him and to live for […]