Nurturing Women as They Grow in Grace
The Women’s Ministry of Grace Church seeks to encourage and equip every woman to grow in her relationship with God, develop meaningful relationships with other women, and mature into the godly woman she was created to be.
We desire to minister to women from all walks of life, and we offer opportunities for fellowship, ministry, outreach, and just plain fun! Join us for:
Monday Evenings
Dance Fitness | 7:00 p.m. | Family Life Center
Ladies of all ages are invited to join this fun, Latin-based dance fitness class held every Monday evening. Stay tuned for additional pop-up classes throughout the week. The cost is $2 per class. Led by Kate Aument. Invite your friends!
Contact Kate Aument for more information and to sign up.
Wednesday Evenings
Women’s Bible Study | 6:30 p.m. | Room 208
All women are warmly invited to gather for an interactive study of the book of Ruth. Join us as we see how Ruth is a story of redemption. Not just the redemption of Ruth, or Naomi, but it points to the plan for redemption that God had set up to redeem all who believe.
Thursday Evenings
Zoom Gathering | 6:30 p.m.
An opportunity for women to stay connected or reconnect, in times when our means of fellowship have changed. This bi-weekly Zoom meeting, will include a time to catch-up, share, and pray together.
Contact Kim Wilson for more information.
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