The college and young adult years are crucial seasons of life. These are the years when you begin higher education, pursue a career, pay bills, and figure out if and who you are going to marry. It’s nice to have companions along the journey!
At Grace, we are passionate about our Young Adult Ministries. Our goal is to help you connect with each other, and, more importantly, with the church family as a whole.
Are you out of high school, in college, or just starting your career? We’d love to get to know you better! To get involved or to find out more, contact Charlie Hirschy.
Sunday Mornings
Young Adult Lunch: 1st and 3rd Sundays (September – May)
Join us as we gather for lunch in various church members homes to share a meal, discuss how to apply the sermon, and pray!
Friday Evenings
Young Adult Gathering: Fridays 7–10 PM
Join us in the Family Life Center for a time of fellowship, Bible study, and volleyball!